Crosslands Learning Winter Quarter

Crosslands Learning Winter Quarter

Meeting virtually Wednesday evenings 7-8pm

January 27th - March 24th

Contact Lucas Davies at for registration and general information

Foundation: Church History in Missional Perspective 

Church history is all about mission. It’s the story of the Father’s mission to bring peoples, tribes and nations, in every generation to know his son Jesus. Find out how, in every age, God calls his people back to faithful witness to the gospel. 

The history of the church is packed with lessons for mission and church today. The call to be faithful to the gospel is central to mission. This call rings out through the stories of brothers and sisters who have gone before. Re engage the past to understand present pressures, and shape future plans, for mission and evangelism.

Course Overview

Unit 1. The Early ChurchUnit

2. The Medieval Period

3. The Reformation

4. The Anabaptists

5. The Puritans

6. The Evangelical Awakening

7. Modern Missionary Movement

8. A Brief History Of Church Planting In Britain: Part One

9. A Brief History Of Church Planting In Britain: Part Two

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Coram Deo

Coram Deo

Join us for our monthly night of prayer which takes place on the first Monday of each month. In-person, all social distancing safety protocols will be observed.

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New Sermon Series Begins - Upside down Kingdom.

New Sermon Series Begins - Upside down Kingdom.

The Upside Down Kingdom Sermon Series Begins on Epiphany Sunday!

Matthew 2:1-12

Matthew’s gospel captures the story of Jesus: the One eternal God, come to us as the king and savior of the world. Jesus’ mission was to bring heaven to earth - described in the phrase repeated over 30 times in this book, “the kingdom of heaven.” This is so interesting because God’s plan from the beginning of time is to bring heaven to earth. Despite his plan being disrupted by human sin, the Bible begins and ends that way - with heaven coming to earth. And in Matthew’s gospel, we learn that the way of heaven is altogether different from the way of the world. Everything about the kingdom of heaven is upside down from the way of the world. But in reality, the upside down kingdom is the way things ought to be. The world is marked by self reliance and pride, selfishness, injustice, violence, and death. The way of heaven is marked by God-reliance and humility, self sacrifice, justice, peace, and life. So what does that actually look like? How does that translate to real life? Well, the clearest view of the kingdom of heaven is seen in Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and reign: the gospel. The gospel story calls us to surrender to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the universe and Lord of our lives. When we do, we enter into God’s kingdom, where we get to partake and participate in how things are meant to be, bringing all the benefits of heaven to the people and places where our lives intersect. Through this series, my hope and prayer is that we will grow as Upside Down Kingdom people, that by God’s working in and through us, the earth would be one step closer to heaven.

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

For unto us a child is born. In this early, online-only service we’ll celebrate the arrival of our savior Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas!

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Child Dedications

Child Dedications

Families will take the stage and dedicate their babies and little ones to Jesus. If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact our kids ministry director, Brandon Lee.

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Coram Deo

Coram Deo

Join us for our monthly prayer gathering. We will be meeting in person (with social distance precautions in place) to pray through the season of Advent as we wrap up 2020.

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Advent Week 2

Advent Week 2

Pastor David Lee will preach through the theme of peace as we anticipate the arrival of The Prince Of Peace himself through the Advent season. Isaiah 9:6-7

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Advent Begins

Advent Begins

Join us as we begin the celebration of Advent at our Sunday morning Church service. We’ll light the first candle and Pastor Joel will lead us in a sermon of hope. We have true hope knowing that the one true king has been sent from heaven above to be our savior!

It all begins with HOPE!

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