Care at Trinity WEST SEATTLE

The command to serve and care for those in need, especially those in the church, is so prevalent in scripture. For example, in Acts 2 we see the church emphasizing prayer, breaking of bread, and coming together within the context of the church to care for one another. This has been commonly called ministry of mercy.

As with all commands, this ministry of mercy is important because it is reflective of the heart of our merciful God. In the New Testament we see Jesus exemplifying mercy in his own ministry and authors of epistles exhorting us to care for those in need, particularly orphans and widows (1 Timothy 5, James 1). What is obvious is that God does not only care for the eternal condition of the souls of all humankind, but also for the temporal condition of their lives on earth.

Trinity recognizes the call to meet both spiritual and material needs. To follow the heart of God is to address both. To only do one or the other is to be unfaithful to our calling as Christians and image bearers. To do both will promote the true flourishing of people. The Care Ministry at Trinity is part of our church living out this truth.

Join the Care Team

If you would like to join the Care Team, please fill out the form below by selecting “Serve at Trinity” and then selecting the “Care Team” as well as any other ministry opportunity you are interested in.

Make a Care Request

If you have a need, please feel free to fill out the form below. Though, if you are a member at Trinity, we encourage you to reach out to your Community Group and Community Group Leaders first. Maybe your need can be met by those you are doing daily life with.